Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Cookies, Cake and Celebrations...

Happy Birthday Braid!

Here on the farm we have had an exciting and fun-filled week. My sweet baby girl Braid turned 2 this Tuesday, June 5th. We celebrated the actual event on Saturday at my parent's house. I was thrilled to have  all of the family that lives around here join us and a couple of special guests. Garett, Jessica, Bryn and Mike all joined us for the event as well as Bruce and Roxanne (who by the way we have missed terribly since they moved to Tennessee). We were also joined by some of our friends. The evening was filled with good food, cake and cookies, and no electricity. We did get to finish the meal and blow out the birthday cake candle before the electricity went out. No electricity was not going to ruin our night. We proceeded to eat cake, open presents and then head outside to play some tee-ball. We all had a blast. Braid was smiling all night and having the time of her life, except when a picture is being taken (recently refuses to smile for pictures). I can't believe my baby girl is already two! Wow, how the time flies by.

For Braid's birthday, we were getting her a little play kitchen so I decided to make her a kitchen sink as her birthday cake. I am not the best at making a cake look pretty but this one did turn out cute if I may say so myself. I made it the day before and Braid loved running to look at it and tell everyone that was her birthday cake. I think that she really enjoyed and understood the concept of her birthday this year which made everything more fun.

Here are just a few things that we love about our Braid...
     1. She loves everything and everyone with her whole heart.
     2. She is seriously the best big sister in the world. Kate absolutely adores her.
     3. She loves to be outside and is a country girl to the core.
     4. She is hilarious and makes me laugh everyday.
     5. She loves to cuddle and gives great kisses and hugs.
     6. She is stubborn, stubborn and stubborn. I don't know who she gets this from ;).
     7. She likes just about anything when it comes to food and especially sweets.
     8. I think she talks quite well but some may say she takes after her mother when it comes to pronunciation. I have to say I love this too.
     9. I love her sweet curls.
     10. I love her imagination. She can tell a story and come up with the best games.
     11. She loves to be scared but then says she needs a hug. It is the cutest thing ever.

I was only going to do ten but I just couldn't stop. Happy Birthday Sweet Girl. We love you.

Happy 3 Months Kate!

Kate also turned three months old on Saturday. I can't believe she is already three months. She is still as sweet as can be and just makes my heart melt. Her baby rolls and chubby cheeks are beyond cute and I can't stop kissing her. She just smiles and smiles with every kiss. I love her so much. She did give us a little scare this past week. Our pediatrician suggested that we take her to a dermatologist to have her birth marks looked at to make sure everything looked okay. I wasn't too concerned but thought it was a good idea. When I took her they said that since she had more than 5 of the strawberry hemangiomas that she had a higher chance of having them on her organs as well. This freaked me out and I began to get very concerned. They then wanted to send us over to have an ultrasound done on her liver to see if they saw anything. They had told me that they would only be looking at the liver unless they saw something and then they would need to look at the other organs. When doing the ultrasound, the technician couldn't tell me anything but I could see that she looked at the kidneys as well. We didn't get to find out the results until the next day and being the worrier that I am, I assumed the worst. With great relief and thankfulness, they didn't see anything. She does have to go back in two weeks to make sure they are not growing too fast and for them to just look at them again. Hopefully, everything should be just fine and they will go away on their own but we will be keeping a close eye on them. 


  1. I am SO happy you have this blog! I feel like I can keep up with your baby girls now. That cake is incredible-I'm impressed. And Kate's rolls are out of control. I think you're girls should come teach my boys how to eat and get chubby :)

  2. Love the blog! I also love your cute girls! Can't wait to see you all!
